Sama Sports is a brand partnership and sponsorship agency

“Sama sports is powered to help organization and brands perform at their best.“
- Marina Caïazzo, Founder

Our sport experience

We bring 15 years of experience and relationship connection to the negotiating table and manage rights and sport assets with a full understanding of every major global property.

We add capacity and credibility to sponsors.

We implement, we work frontline and make things happen.

We help you make informed decisions that take place before, during, and at the renewal or exit of a partnership.

We manage the process and make your strategy come to life.

We make sure your brand is in the right place, at the right time to deliver on your objectives.

Our sport experience

We bring 15 years of experience and relationship connection to the negotiating table and manage rights and sport assets with a full understanding of every major global property.

We add capacity and credibility to sponsors.
We implement, we work frontline and make things happen.
We help you make informed decisions that take place before, during, and at the renewal or exit of a partnership.
We manage the process and make your strategy come to life.
We make sure your brand is in the right place, at the right time to deliver on your objectives.

Working with top players

Find out more about athletes and brands we support :
our values

Where excellence meets (sport) performance.


Our Founder

We’re not a big, do-it-all-consultancy but a highly specialized boutique with global capability.
We’re hired by brands, sports organizations, agents, and athletes with the desire to level up.

Sama Sports is founded by Marina Caïazzo, former professional Tennis player, she has proven track record at managing key sport category for a Worldwide Sport Company.

Highly experienced in Sport Marketing and a sponsorship expert with over 25 years in the industry.
Marina is also a university and business school consultant teacher in Sport Marketing.
Add Marina Caïazzo
Sama Sports is founded by Marina Caïazzo, former professional Tennis player, she has proven track record at managing key sport category for a Worldwide Sport Company.

Highly experienced in Sport Marketing and a sponsorship expert with over 25 years in the industry.
Marina is also a university and business school consultant teacher in Sport Marketing.
Add Marina Caïazzo

Contact us

We are a sport specialist, we connect brands with impactful sponsorship opportunities.
You can reach us by following the link below, no matter if it is a new business inquiry, if you want to learn more about us, our clients or simply to say hello.

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